The Pull Up


The pull up is a beneficial compound exercise as it recruits several muscle groups in the back as well as some recruitment from the biceps. Due to the strengthening of back muscles, this exercise can improve posture since strong back muscles prevent the chest and shoulders from caving forward. Another benefit of this exercise is that it improves grip strength since it requires that one hang from a bar with their hands. 

Execution and how to perform this exercise:

  1. When performing this exercise ensure that:

    1. Arms are at 90 degrees 

    2. Core remains braced

    3. Shoulders are activated by packing them down and away from the ears 

  2. Begin with hands wider than shoulder width 

    1. Grab the bar with the palms facing away from you, i.e. pronated grip 

    2. Arms are extended

  3. Brace the core to maintain stability

  4. Pull body up to the bar

    1. Imagine trying to have your elbows touch the ground

  5. Once the chest touches the bar or is close to touching the bar, lower body with control until arms are extended

  6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions


The Chin Up


Overhead Press