Conventional Deadlift


The conventional deadlift is an exercise best for intermediate athletes as it requires an understanding of certain movement patterns like the hinge and squat. It serves as a lower body exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. 

Execution and how to perform this exercise:

  1. Begin by adding an appropriate weight onto a barbell 

  2. Stand in front of the bar until the middle of the feet are in line with the bar 

    1. The feet can be between hip and shoulder width apart

  3. With the arms extended, place the hands on the bar until they are an inch away from the knees

  4. Ensure that you:

    1. Have a straight line from the top of the head to the top of the buttocks

    2. Pack the shoulders down and away from the ears until you feel the outer sides of your back activated

    3. Inhale and allow your ribcage to travel downwards and brace the core

    4. Have the shoulders in line or slightly over the barbell

  5. Bring the hips down until you are in a squat position

    1. All repetitions begin from here

  6. Simultaneously push your feet away from the ground and pull the bar upwards until the body is fully erect

    1. Ensure that the hips do not rise before the shoulders

    2. When pulling, ensure that the bar remains close to the body

  7. In a controlled manner, flex the hips and knees to allow the bar to travel downwards until it touches the floor

  8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 for no more than 8 repetitions for 3 sets


The Squat


The Bent Over Row