Dr. Scott Mills

Areas of Expertise

  • Injury Recovery & Rehabilitation

  • Sport Performance 

  • Posture and Ergonomics

  • Exercise Related Pain Management 

  • Golf Specific Pain Management & Performance


  • Doctor of Chiropractic 

  • MS Exercise Science

  • BS Athletic Training

  • Active Release Techniques (Full Body Level 2, Long Nerve Tract) 

  • Titleist Performance Institute (Medical Level 2)

My Story


As a jack of all trades high school athlete with an interest in biology and human movement, I knew I wanted to head to college on a sports medicine track. As a certified Athletic Trainer, I spent 6 years working with virtually every type of college sport imaginable. Along the way I earned a Masters degree in Exercise Science before heading back to school, having fallen in love with the chiropractic methodology. 

As a sports chiropractor, my approach begins with root cause analysis. I have no interest in chasing pain. That's why the history and exam are crucial in determining the source of dysfunctional movement patterns. If I can isolate and correct those, the pain takes care of itself. 

My primary method of care is a mix of manual therapies and corrective exercises. You won't find a bunch of overpriced passive modalities or temporary symptom suppressing devices in my office. I use my hands to get restricted tissue and joints moving better and then reload the tissue in a progressive, logical manner to return you to the activities you love. 

In my 20+ years as a movement provider, I've been fortunate enough to help thousands of people do just that. That includes everything from lower back and neck pain to shoulder impingements, tennis and golfer's elbow, IT-Band syndrome, plantar fasciitis, and sciatica, just to name a few. 

I've also shifted my focus more and more toward golfers looking to not only get out of pain, but play better, longer. Golf performance care and recovery goes beyond pain management. It means maximizing each individual's potential by removing the interferences in biomechanics in order to see just how good you can play. 

As a doctor who practices what I preach, I regularly lift weights, play golf weekly and even coach CrossFit / powerlifting in my spare time. I truly believe being an athlete helps me understand my patient's needs and goals better than most providers. 

Much of what I've learned over the years can be found on various online learning platforms and social media accounts under my online moniker, Full Body Fix. Learn more at FullBodyfix.com, my Youtube channel and monthly Golf Fitness Program. I post regularly on Instagram too! 


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